Debt Destroys

The debt and consumer lifestyle also has created the demand for abortions. In America, more than 64 million children have been killed because they were an inconvenience to the modern lifestyle. The literal sacrificial death of the children for the sake of the debt induced endless pleasure and leisure lifestyle.

The endless growth model that endless debt and interest payments require also means that planet earth must be asset stripped to extract as much tangible wealth as possible and put back as little as possible. That means the destruction of the Amazon Forest, the stripping of the oceans of fish until whole species are eliminated, the destruction of wildlife habitat, water and ecosystems for more shopping malls and parking lots.

There is no future for either the children or planet earth under the current mad eco-system. Two generations will have destroyed not only their own retirements and old age but the future of their children and the sustainability of planet earth.

The god of Mammon is a terrible task master that has demanded the sacrifice of the future of our children and families for the passing pleasures of endless consumer something out of nothing. A terrible judgement from God and reality awaits this generation and is now evident as nations, corporations and families crumble under the unpayable burden of endless debt creation.

For those of us tasked by God to bring salvation to a lost and dying world, we need to understand that there are not just souls to be saved but nations that need healing, an earth that needs restoring and a new world economy designed for true wealth creation according to God’s eternal economic principles.

Author– Ministry wishing to remain anonymous

Read “Help!” and more about the problem and the legislative solution at

Contrary to God’s Instruction

Contrary to God’s instruction, His people are in bondage; debt bondage. Please read, understand and start speaking in opposition to this bondage and its destructive consequences resulting from the creation of all money as unpayable interest-bearing loans! Help expose and change this destructive system! You’re privileged to speak to many on a regular basis. Where are YOU, the pastor, priest, reverend, father, bishop or other ‘spiritual leader’ on debt, bondage and freedom?

In the beginning (Genesis 1) God created the heavens and the earth. He said it was “very good.” 3 times, between “In the beginning” and “very good,” God imparted the attribute “multiply” or “increase” to His Creation. Find one place in the universe where this attribute is not true. Find one attribute of the universe that belies the Creation record so that it should have been recorded as, “God created the heavens and the earth with shortages…and it was very good.” God also said in Genesis 1, “Be fruitful and increase…fill the earth…subdue it…rule over it…” His message, indeed, His command, is clear. God created the universe for our benefit. We are to manage it responsibly. God did NOT say, “Subdue and rule over your neighbor,” or “Grab all you can because I didn’t create enough for everyone.” On which day did God create debt and bondage?

God created us to be Free; the same God who, in 6 days, with his effort and resources, made all of Creation. He said it was ‘very good.’ He had no debt, mortgage or obligation to perform for another. Those with eyes to see, will recognize this as an example we were intended to follow; the way to live freely in a Creation designed to exist in eternal balance.

Debt leads to death and therefore is likened unto sin.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23

Read “Help!” and more about the problem and the legislative solution at

Debt. Bondage. Freedom

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” — Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
“Stand fast therefore in liberty wherewith Christ has made us Free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” — Galatians 5:1 (KJV)

Debt leads to death and therefore is likened unto sin.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 6:23
“Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury….” — Deuteronomy 23:20

This permission to exact usury did not constitute a “qualification” of the law against usury, but a measure of wrath to be brought upon lawless ones. In this case, Israel had been commissioned to conquer the lawless inhabitants of Canaan. Usury was permitted in this case because usury had already proven to be a very effective technique for conquest. Usury enslaves. Without debt, there could be no usury; no debt to be forgiven. Jesus amplified the principle of usury to deny debt of any kind; owe no man anything.

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh [a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself. If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” — Deuteronomy 5:13-15
“the borrower is servant to the lender” — Proverbs 22:7
“I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise” — Romans 1

For his behavior, Paul was blinded by God. He had no food or water for 3 days. When God restored Paul’s sight, Paul considered himself set free; obligated only to serve humanity for one purpose; that society might come to accept Christ. The only debt Paul had was one of responsibility to see all humanity redeemed by Christ. Redeemed! That’s why Paul said, “owe no man anything”; nothing but a debt of love.

“Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law .” — Romans 13:8
“Debt forgiveness in Lord’s prayer” — Matthew 6:12
“Lend Freely” — Luke 6:35

Can a True Christ Follower Serve Debt Money?

Many Christians I talk to say money is just a tool and it’s insignificant where it comes from or how its issued because we don’t get to decide, were living under a “Babylonian” system. All we can do is the best we can, be faithful, the system is here to stay and God will bring things to a climax in His time. I however have a different opinion which I’ll explain.

If one reads the bible as it is intended, a historical guide of how people were created to participate in God’s order of creation with many blessings, life, liberty, abundance, health, relationships just to name a few it becomes apparent it’s not a complex book. Too, interwoven in the historical documents is a very fundamental overlooked principal by most, the bible is actually an economic story. It teaches people not to steal, not to deal dishonestly in monetary matters, don’t pledge a debt that is unpayable, avoid usury – interest on loans, don’t hold others in financial constraint, pay debts and more. The reasons are that God the creator wants a people to serve Him single hearted and ultimately through Jesus Christ, He is to be our only master. Any bondage, particularly monetary for the subject matter holds one back from attaining the life intended, one of freedom!

The apostle Paul stated in Romans 13:8 that Christ followers have but one debt obligation, a love towards one another!

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. NKJV

The only debt acceptable Paul says for Christ followers is the debt of love towards one another. Why? Love is God’s ultimate attribute for God is love and he who loves is born of God, it’s the ultimate litmus test of whether or not one is truly a child of God.

And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. NKJV

One of the most misunderstood passages in the bible is Matthew 6:12 midway through the teaching on the Lord’s prayer. Jesus stated, And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

Most struggle to understand what Jesus was actually teaching. Most teach that Jesus was telling the disciples ask forgiveness for sins and forgive the sins of others however this interpretation fails to convey the true historical context surrounding the cause of His plea.

In biblical times, most were subject to a creditor and many were sold into slavery because they could not pay their debts. People would become slaves then in time work off their debt and be released back into society and repeat the cycle of economic servitude. God allowed debt but on a limited basis. Under Old Testament law debts had to be released and forgiven every 7 or 50 years so people could be free to serve God without any constraint. To not abide by the law had severe consequences and prophets of God would be chosen to address the people. Examples include the books of Nehemiah and Micah.

To properly understand Jesus words, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, it must be understood that Jesus was dealing with people that would not forgive monetary debt. People were being kept in bondage and those overlording heeded not the voice of God.

Jesus came on the scene as an economic revolutionary and proclaimed a salvation from bondage to a life of liberty that included monetary debt freedom. In doing so, He upset the money changers but it became good news for the poor, brokenhearted, captives, blind and oppressed.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;”

We must understand the bible has much to say about money and economics and Jesus salvation message was a message of complete freedom, including freedom from economic servitude to another. We must understand that the present money system is one of debt and causes everyone to live a life of economic servitude. Economic servitude is not an acceptable way to live because it is contrary to the salvation message of Jesus Christ. The true salvation message must include economic liberation or it is not the complete good news proclaimed by Jesus, Luke 4.

— Ruel Danner

Does the Current Debt Money System
promote the General Welfare of Society and Glorify God?

It’s quite astonishing that so few understand the concept that mankind was created and put on this earth for purposes other than to work, eat, entertain and pleasure themselves.

Ask most what their purpose is and the answer most often is associated with an occupation that one endures so he or she can get a medium of exchange to carry the above list of things, eating, entertaining, etc.  The Bible says there’s nothing new under the sun so rest assured, what is has been.

The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that the ultimate end of mankind is to glorify God. To glorify simply means to give weight to or honor to. It should make sense to all that the one creating a thing should get credit for creating the thing. Henry Ford was credited for inventing automobiles and the worker assembly line that transformed America into an age never imagined.

Since this website is solely for purposes of exposing the debt money system, promoting the general welfare and providing a transformation to a non-debt money system I will try with due diligence to show why God’s glory is not being fulfilled and reinforce the call to change.

The apostle Paul wrote a letter to people in a region of the middle east called Corinth. It was in this region a Christian Church was formed. A church that held the belief that Jesus was sent to be the savior of humanity. Unfortunately, the Corinth church had fallen privy to many issues that they should not have. The Corinth church was basically acting just like an unregenerate society and it was bringing disgrace to the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul wrote the letter to chide the people to straighten out their act and quit behaving so badly.  Fast forwarding to chapter 10 of Corinthians we find Paul’s ultimate exhortation, do all to the glory of God!

The United States unfortunately, is much like society Paul was speaking too however one thing the United States has that Corinth did not is the largest debt in the world, everyone uses debt as a medium of exchange and is a slave to the money creators. If Paul were writing to the churches in the United States, he could easily add debt to the list of things he mentions throughout his letter.

The apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 10:31- 33

31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God, 33 just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

The first thing on Paul’s list of reminders is whatever one does it must glorify God. Paul mentions eating or drinking than leaves nothing undone by stating whatever you do.

I would ask, does being a debtor to another glorify God? Does having debt as money glorify God? By no means! The Bible is replete with too much warning about debt and the necessity to avoid and run from it.

Secondly, Paul says give no offense to others or the Church of God.  We are not to offend or cause anyone to stumble in reaching their ultimate objective to live as God intended. We are to be free agents to live for our creator alone.

Third, Paul says everything we do should Glorify God so others might be saved. The present monetary system violates all three pleas of the apostle Paul. The debt money system does anything but point to the freedom found in Jesus Christ. It causes one to serve another instead of the God the creator. We cannot glorify God because the money system violates the command to avoid debt and owe no man anything.

If we desire to Glorify God in all things we must be voices of change toward a medium of exchange that promotes it!

Bible believers must recognize and begin teaching the truth . There is no option!

The Untold Truth of the Economic Disobedience and
Downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah

Like most, I was taught that Sodom and Gomorrah, two middle eastern historical cities, were destroyed by God because the people indulged in practices of homosexuality and that if America didn’t heed the warnings it may one day face the same fate.

Why am I including a short blog on Sodom and Gomorrah on this website? Because believe it or not, there’s more to the story than what most of us have been told. Sodom and Gomorrah had much to do with economics and therefore fits that cause of justification to talk about it here.

If one reads the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis, it’s easy to adopt to the interpretation that God poured out His anger for acts grossly practiced like homosexuality but one must always see if there are other cross references that speak of the same topics, read them, then apply wisdom to interpretation. 

Over in the book of Ezekiel, we find a lot more to the history and culture of Sodom and Gomorrah than what was written in Genesis.  Over in Ezekiel 16 the Prophet wrote verse 49: Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

The prophet Ezekiel states that Sodom was prideful, gluttonous, idle, neglected the poor and needy. Ezekiel was confronting the city of Jerusalem because they were well on their way to becoming like the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The book of Genesis described Sodom and Gomorrah as a people that practiced homosexuality and it angered the Lord God. However, the list does not stop with just one act. Lest we fall privy to accepting the most oft taught teaching we must take into account that the guilt of Sodom and Gomorrah was much deeper. To judge one sin above another is not proper Christian thought.

We must step outside the norm and consider the list of things that perhaps we are all guilty of doing.

Since we are dealing primarily with money here, let us consider the last words of Ezekiel. Sodom neglected the poor and the needy. The poor and needy could not enter the city to provide for their necessities to life while those inside the city indulged in sexual sin, entertainment, pride, gluttony and leisure lifestyles. 

That last statement fits right into our current money system, doesn’t it? Our current monetary system of debt neglects the poor and the needy. The current monetary system was designed to favor a certain class and put most under a constant lifestyle of economic servitude. It’s designed to make most work, pay taxes and struggle on a constant basis much like the poor and needy outside the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We must understand that God does not shine His favor on any economic system that demonstrates destructive principles like the one we all are subject too since it was changed! God gave us wholesome principles to guide our lives. It’s imperative that we strive to do that which promotes the general welfare. The only economic system that God honors is one that is debt free. 

We must not succumb to the ideology that Sodom and Gomorrah were just sexually deviant societies because it causes one to judge one group of people above another. The excess wealthy lifestyle led to the gross immorality of Sodom and Gomorrah. It makes sense because the rich oft seek unlimited pleasure at the expense of the poor.

— Ruel Danner

The True Danger of Cryptocurrencies!

There’s a lot of talk, speculation and mystery in regards to cryptocurrency. We hear about the possible risks and dangers, the volatility and even hackable risks but, for now, it seems many are willing to hedge their bet that one day it’s possible it may replace the current money system.  President Trump has personally stated he wants to be part of the movement by selecting crypto friendly cabinet members which has caused a spike in the recent cryptocurrency values.

I would like to pose that regardless of the above-mentioned risks and dangers there lies one that few if anyone has or is unwilling to speak about.

That is, where do the dollars come from when one cashes in on their crypto gains?

What happens to the money supply when one cashes out since there’s a limited amount of money in circulation? (money supply stays the same only the holders change)

It would seem logical that since Bitcoin, for the sake of discussion, would rise in value at such a fast rate and so high that if enough holders cashed out, a large portion of the debt money supply would flow into the hands of a few. This would cause strain in the money system. Would more borrowing of more bank created money be needed to pay all the holders?)   Could banks would be forced to create more money as loans to avoid a recession/depression or worse?  The resulting increase in the money supply would create more inflation due to the interest attached to it and lack of an increase in production.

If every cryptocurrency holder tried to cash out at the same time it could be a mathematical impossibility.

Regardless of what most are led to believe, cryptocurrency is not a decentralized form of money. It’s highly regulated and taxed and can be seen by many in the computer network syatem. Also, in order to buy cryptocurrency, one must use the current debt-based dollar denominated system to purchase it then sell it under the current debt-based system. Decentralization, privacy and freedom is therefore an illusion!

Obviously, something is wrong with our debt-based system or people would not be seeking alternatives. I often wonder why people cannot see that it’s not ‘what’ we use as money that’s the overriding problem but ‘how’ all new money is issued. There are over 200 cryptocurrencies that are promoting decentralized thought but not one will address the debt issue. People celebrate that they are making huge gains by buying cryptocurrency but they never talk about what they trade back for, the same thing they had in the first place, debt-based money that only exists while it’s owed by someone. While it’s owed, the interest debt, which is not money, continues to grow. Maybe some like the idea of Bitcoin being the reserve currency so they can create more debt money, just like current ‘reserves’.

Also, by law, Congress is supposed to create money. It’s against the law for private parties as is current with the private commercial bank industry and upcoming private creators of Bitcoin. Congress has relinquished its authority to create money to the banking industry and is about to expand that private creation authority to Bitcoin ‘miners.’ The term ‘mining’ Bitcoin is used to remind people of mining precious metals thereby giving Bitcoin perceived value.

No. Neither Cryptocurrency nor gold is the answer to the issue of inflation or currency debasement and taxes. The answer is simply switching what we use as money from being debt based to a wealth based, non-debt system; the reverse of what Congress did over 141 years when they enabled money to be switched from Wealth to debt

If we switched back to the principle of a wealth based monetary system most of life’s uncertainties and speculation in financial concerns would fade in time. We need the truth in money matters, not online speculative betting where some benefit and some do not!

Cryptocurrency does not solve the debt bondage issue the bible warns us about. Cryptocurrency cannot unless it bought, sold and used as a debt free medium of exchange offer a life of true liberty. The only currency we should be exchanging is one that promotes wholesome interactions and leaves no trail of indebtedness and promotes the general welfare of the people.

Cryptocurrency is dangerous because people are given the illusion it promotes liberty, decentralization, privacy amongst other things but it does not. As Christian folk, we should avoid being misled at all cost lest we fall prey to just another hyped up, deceitful, false money concept.

— Ruel Danner

Run the race to win and stop losing!

Like most, I was taught to avoid taking on debt. My parents taught me by personal life choices that debt was a burden to their marriage relationship. Thankfully my parents did not allow debt to break up our family, however it was not without its negative effects on us siblings.

I was raised in a church attending family and I vividly remember many a sermon encouraging folks to pay off debt and avoid debt otherwise one could not serve God and be blessed by God to their full spiritual capability. I’d hear pastors say, just give finances to God and He would remove the burden of debt. I’m certain you’ve heard similar stories if you’ve stepped foot in a church before. Guilt driven theological teaching is nothing new.

I find it very troublesome that Pastors preach on debt but do not realize or are just too afraid to cross into the area that as a people debt is an unavoidable fact of life given the current debt money system, we are all subject too at birth.

Obviously, pastors know something is wrong with being in debt or they would not tell their congregants to avoid it, pay it off and even have seminars on it by financial advisors, David Ramsey.

I agree one cannot serve God in his/her fullness being subjected to debt servitude and He does not take pleasure watching us struggle by it. The bible compares the Christian life to marathon race where in order to run and win one must not be distracted and weighed down by anything that would prevent crossing a finish line.

We read the following in Hebrews 12:1-2  “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

The author of Hebrews is writing as a spectator of an arena of runners in a race. He says, lay aside every weight and sin that ensnares and let us run the race!

In a race, runners are expected to be fit, fast, and focused lest they be disqualified or lose. There are also rules to abide by, given by the board of directors.

For the Christian life to be lived to its fulness, it must be free from debt servitude. We could apply the debt principle to that of being a weight of ensnarement one is forced to drag along trying to run. The end result becometh discouragement at the least for those who truly seek a life of true obedience to God.

Hebrews says we are to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The word look implies a single focus with zero distractions that prevent a runner from finishing a race. Jesus set the rules by which all who call on His name must abide by. Jesus is at the finish line so to speak waiting for us to cross with arms raised high.  We are not to be weighed down by anything that would distract us from running to win!

Debt servitude by our current monetary system causes psychological and emotional stress. Most experience a deep sense of constrain during their life. Perhaps its why most look forward to leaving work at the end of the day, plan vacation time and long for their retirement. Sadly, many upon retirement find out the financial woes have not lessened. Retirement has just allowed more time to think about finances all the more.

Life as children of God was not to be one of debt servitude to those who create and issue our means to exchange for goods and services.  A medium of exchange should serve the people as an efficient tool. Money was supposed simplify life by removing obstacles such as stress, time, strife, hardship and much more. A debt free medium of exchange would allow people to live a life described by the author of Hebrews. We could run the race of life without the weight of debt!

If we are going to run the race to win, we have no option but to change the rules of the game. The rules must switch to benefit we the athletes in the Christian race. This world was created by God for His children so they could be a delight in service to Him.  We must seek for congress to create a debt free medium of exchange, one that sets aside the weight of debt!

Let’s run the race to win and stop losing!

— Ruel Danner

Why Debt Money is Sorcery

The “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” is a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe written in 1797.

The poem begins as an old sorcerer departs his workshop, leaving his apprentice with chores to perform. Tired of fetching water by pail, the apprentice enchants a broom to do the work for him, using magic in which he is not fully trained. The floor is soon awash with water, and the apprentice realizes that he cannot stop the broom because he does not know the magic required to do so.

The” sorcerer’s Apprentice” has since been put into children’s novels, cartoons and movies amusing many but sadly the true intent of the poem has faded, along with history.

The moral of the poem was, in the quest for power one often faces the danger of human creation getting out of control, therefore wisdom is necessary in making choices that have positive outcomes.

The Bible mentions sorcery at a minimum of twelve times, all references however speak negative of the practice. In fact, it was commanded in the Old Testament that one who practiced sorcery was to be put to death. Too, a sorcerer has no inheritance in attaining eternal life according to New Testament writers, (Paul, Peter and John).

Sorcery can be described as a type of magic that is used especially to harm someone or make things happen.

The book of Revelation has much to say about sorcery, describing how all nations were led astray to destruction by the merchants (corporate owners) the rich businessmen of the earth (18:23).

Our present money system works in such a way that it most certainly could be classified as an act of sorcery.

People are tricked into believing they’re free when they are not!

All money is issued by private and commercial banks that do not issue that which they hold in vaults.  Banks, upon one’s signature, create money by adding a number figure into a computer as a debt liability to all people, corporations and governments. All money therefore is never truly owned but is owed back to a bank that acts as a magician of sorts. One is led to believe he or she owns something that they never actually do and never can. It’s sorcery at its finest!

Now, compare money creation to the definition of sorcery. Money is issued in such a way that it not only harms the receiver and society, but it makes things happen!

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is a fabulous example to apply money creation to because the world is now at an economic crossroads. It seems the power to create money as debt has now reached an out-of-control unpayable debt status and there’s little to no wisdom to remedy the problem.

The sorcerer’s apprentice could not remedy his problem because he had forgotten the magic formula to break the spell.

The Bible says wisdom is to be sought above all else in life.

Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:5-7).

Here at we offer the only true solution to the problem of the current debt, inflation, involuntary servitude and more. We believe true wisdom offers a solution by promoting the general welfare of humanity and honors the constitution and above all, the creator who gave us all things for his pleasure and glory. The Bible makes no compromise for a people to use debt as a medium of exchange. To exchange debt is to hold all of humanity in economic servitude and bondage. Therefore, we hold that our present money system is a disgrace to God and unless remedied the present country cannot truly call itself Christian and will continue in a state of decline.

— Ruel Danner